The greatest of these is love . . .

This blog is dedicated to the joy of family
Beginning with Chuck and Deli who officially became a family November 23, 1968

Read more: on Plumrose Lane Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Monday, August 30, 2010

Once upon a time

Here we are the eve of Cinnamon and Scott's wedding. Note the matronliness of Delite compared to the studliness of Charlie.  Oh, if this wasn't a photo of such a significant event, I do believe it would go to the circular file.  My thought as I look at this is: Charlie was into cougars?  Fast forward -- we truly believe we are married to the most beautiful person in the world.  Would that even be possible to experience if we had to get there on our own?  God's love poured over us as a couple all these years seems to have given us eyes that see closer to what He sees.  THAT is awesome.