The greatest of these is love . . .

This blog is dedicated to the joy of family
Beginning with Chuck and Deli who officially became a family November 23, 1968

Read more: on Plumrose Lane Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fewer bumps

Been on a daredevil rollercoaster on a rickety old wood frame.  In other words, scarier than I prefer.  But now we're on the "baby rolling softly" rollercoaster with some nice stuff all together.  All in one day I got news that new drug is approved by insurance and is scheduled for next week, my totally self-indulgent iPod touch arrived (engraved on back and all), and we enjoyed dinner with some of our favorite people at the Machine Shed.  Ooh, that pan-fried chicken is quite the treat.  Now Charlie has a BAD cold for the weekend so no big make-out sessions for us.  But we're in a bit of a bliss moment so just being together and doing our thing at Hope will make for a star+ weekend.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Pillow talk

I think there should be a rule that when you are married, you are required to go to bed at the same time with the intent to "chat" for a minimum of 10 minutes, and then gradually slip into slumber together.  I do believe this would greatly enhance communication and intimacy.  You're more inclined to let out the important thoughts as you are nearly unwound enough to enter dreamland.  Makes sense, don't you think?  And then you can incorporate fun little things like our current nightly routine. I have a little bear pillow and Charlie tosses it toward me with disdain, "keep this fleabag away from me."  Very sweet time with my honey.  Tuesday eve we had an exceptionally special time as we reviewed the results of our future retirement status in disbelief.  Tears flowed as we thanked God that our frugal stewardship was paying off.  We've always tried to live in the fact that any money we have is His.  It was great seeing the peace on my honey's face as he fell asleep that night.