The greatest of these is love . . .

This blog is dedicated to the joy of family
Beginning with Chuck and Deli who officially became a family November 23, 1968

Read more: on Plumrose Lane Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Yes, this is Charlie with a broom.  This week he has carried a very large broom.  It has not been easy.  I told him this a.m. before he left for work that I am very proud of him.  I thanked him for taking care of us.  More changes are coming, some of which he wouldn't have sought.  But he is proceeding with strength, grace and integrity.  I love him so much.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Trials bring gold

There's something Charlie and I do not automatically share and that is the bliss of peace.  The peace that comes from our Father and can't even be described.  In the turmoil of the "takeover" at his job, he has spent some out and out rough moments.  Monday eve after spending hours filling out forms, he asked for prayer.  The thing I remember praying for sure was that he could receive the peace God offers.  Tues. was a better day and by today Charlie is back in the saddle of riding this journey equipped for whatever comes his way.  Peace is a personal experience because we're all wired differently.  I'm just so grateful to see its evidence in my dear Charlie once again.  His lack of peace definitely threatens mine.  So we'll continue to pray for one another and trust God for the rest.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Rocky Road

We've been here before.  Job security not as secure as we human beings prefer.  The first change after months of wondering was a pay cut.  A brief reprieve of "symptoms" of insecurity allowed Charlie and his co-workers to  put the question on the back burner.  Then things got progressively more and more suspicious.  This is a common occurrence these days for many families.  Well, Charlie just called a few minutes ago.  The small family-owned business he's been employed with for over 20 years has been bought by a big fish in the pond.  At least we know more than we have.  The insecurity remains despite the reassurances spoken.  We've talked about worst case scenarios for quite awhile now.  We're steady and stable in the most important regard which is . . . we know God will see us through.  Not that He is some kind of sugar daddy.  But that we will not be undone by this circumstance any more than we have by others.  There's a reason God recommends that married couples share the same faith in Him.  I can't imagine what the past several months would have been like if one of us trusted something other than God, or more than God.  This is no small thing.  This is a blessing deserving awesome worship.